The kids are SO SICK!! It started over a week ago when I got sick, then it passed onto the kids, then it got worse!! And now liam has a throat infection, ear infection, bronchiallitis, conjunctivitis, mouth ulcers, a cold, and a very chesty cough. Brianna has a cold and chesty cough. And I have strep throat. So its wonderful fun in this household!!!
Anyways, YaY, I can finally show you some of the things Ive been working on!!
First up, Scrapbook'n'bits. I did my last class at SnB last week. Well - i was so sick i couldnt teach it. so the wonderful Karen Gilmore (store owner) taught it for me. Thankyou so much girlie u are awesome!!!! I felt terrible that I couldnt teach my last class there, but it was just all too much :( Anyways, here are the layouts I did for the class.

If you want kits and instructions for these Im sure Karen will oblige :) Just head on over to Scrapbook'n'bits and ask!!!
Secondly, Scrapboxx. The latest awesome newsletter was released and its unreal, as per usual. There is so much inspiration packed into there. The wonderful Erica Glover has rejoined the DT so we can expect more krafty-goodness from her! I forgot to photograph the canvas I made Maria before I posted it, so that isnt here in the blog. You will have to pop into her store to see that one!
My neice Hula:

My gorgeous sister Jen:

And lastly, Karen Day Designs!! Here are some peaks into the new line which will be available at the Scrapware wholesale store after SIA! Im so super excited - I hope you like :)

My birdie:

My cloud:

My tree:

Ill come back later today and show you some more sneak peaks into new releases from Scrapware. Ive been given the most beautiful products to work with this month and I cant wait to show you :) So check back!!
Scrapware COMPETITION:Scrapware are running a blog competition on all the DT blogs. Ange is going to give away a RRP $20 prize pack on each DT blog!!!! She will be sending them when she returns from SIA so the winners will have the products BEFORE any shop does!!! Awesome! So to win leave a comment on ANY post in my blog and ill do a random draw on the 10th April. Every post is a new entry in the comp!
So go check out the other DT blogs and enter their comps too!! There are six DT members so six blogs you can spam with comments :)
Kim Arnold - Glass - Kooy - Link - Vass - be back later peeps.
much luvs,
xxx K